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Molly's Book Reviews

I'm a beginning fantasy writer. My favorite genre is fantasy and science fiction. I'm currently on a young adult kick.

Book Review: Mortal Instruments City of Heavenly Fire By Cassandra Clare

City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult

Pages: 752


The end of the Mortal Instruments...


I enjoyed the Mortal Instruments series for the most part. There's a bit too much romance and long descriptions for me, but that's just my taste. The best part is the world the author has created and all of the unique characters. My favorite is the glittery bisexual warlock, Magnus Bane. (Yes, seriously. He's the best!)


Clary is a normal girl who enjoys drawing and hanging out with her best friend, Simon. She's at a club when she sees three other teenagers with strange tattoos murder a guy, but no one else can even see them. When her mother is kidnapped, (or dead, but she really hopes only kidnapped) she's thrust into a world of Demons, Fairies, Vampires, Werewolves, and Warlocks. Turns out those teenagers are Shadow Hunters and the man was a demon. Shadow Hunters keep the peace using a device called a stele to draw runes on themselves that give special powers like grace and speed or invisibility to Mundanes. (Normal people, like muggles) 


There are six books in the Mortal Instruments series (and a prequel trilogy) and the last book has just been released. The series spans only six months, but it felt like longer to me. I liked the first `trilogy' better than the second, though I liked Simon more in the second. There wasn't nearly enough Magnus, but I always think that.


If you haven't read the series up to City of Heavenly Fire (or the prequel) don't keep reading, there be spoilers below.


Heavenly fire was an exciting finale, which certainly didn't seem as long as it was. I was so afraid to read it, (I didn't want anyone to die) but I'm pleased by the ending. It was a good and fitting conclusion to the series.


Emma Carstairs (who will star in the next series, the Dark Artifacts) gets her own point of view. She grew up a Shadow Hunter and is already quite skilled with weapons. Her best friend is Julian Blackthorn, a boy with six siblings. (Two of which are half fairy) I liked all the Blackthorns, they already have unique personalities. (Ty reminds me of Sherlock)


This book takes place mostly before the end of Infernal Devices, so Zachariah is still a Silent Brother. He doesn't get his own point of view. His parts are mostly told by Jia Penhallow. (How disappointing!) I really wanted more Jem and Tessa in this book! (I guess I'll have to hope for more of them in Dark Artifacts.)


I'm also sad we didn't get a Sebastian point of view, because it would've been interesting to see into his mind a bit more. He's a better villain than his father, more black and white, even though I think it was supposed to be the other way around.


SUMMARY (Plotline spoilers for first half of book)


Sebastian’s attacking Institutes and using the cup to make more soldiers for his war. The Clave orders everyone back to Idris. The London Institute is one of the last to leave and Sebastian attacks, but is thwarted. In his rage he attacks the Praetor Lupus and then comes after the Iron Sisters.


Before the meeting of the Clave the Fairy Envoy, Meliorn has invited the other Downworlder envoys to meet with him, but it’s a trap and, Raphael, Luke, Jocelyn and Magnus are taken hostage. Sebastian’s demands? Send Clary and Jace to him or he’ll kill the hostages.


Clary discovers that Sebastian has been hiding in a dimension of hell, Odom, and that’s why they haven’t been able to track him. To get to Odom they have to pass through the fairy court, but there they discover that the fairies have joined with Sebastian and are using their magic to transport his army.

(show spoiler)


Jordan Kyle, Raphael, Sebastian (I was so afraid for Magnus!)

(show spoiler)


The couples are happy and together, for the most part. (Even Magnus and Alec)

(show spoiler)


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